Dr. Elizabeth Mesok
PRIMA Grantee
Elizabeth Mesok
Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Fachbereich Gender Studies

PRIMA Grantee

Rheinsprung 21
4051 Basel

Tel. +41 61 207 61 58

Elizabeth Mesok is an SNF PRIMA Grantee at the Center for Gender Studies at the University of Basel, focusing on militarism, security and gender. She completed her Ph.D. in American Studies in 2013 and her M.A. in Politics in 2007, both from New York University. From 2013-2015 she was a postdoctoral fellow in Global American Studies at Harvard University, during which time she developed and taught a class entitled “Women and War,” as well as served as a Seminar Associate in the Mahindra Humanities Center’s Seminar on Violence and Non-Violence. From 2015-1026, she held a Visiting Assistant Professorship in the Department of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University, where she taught courses in gender and sexuality studies, social and political theory, and the global history of U.S. militarism.

After relocating to Switzerland, Mesok was a senior researcher and program officer at swisspeace, where she was the lead researcher on the project, “Civil Society Implementation of the Swiss National Action Plan 1325,” which focused on women, gender, and violence prevention. In Switzerland, she has also taught courses on gender, peace, and security in the Department of Political Science at the University of Basel and in the Department of Political Science/International Relations at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva.

Her publications can be found in the journals Feminist Studies and Radical History Review, and in the edited volumes Sexual Violence Against Men in Global Politics and Managing Sex in the U.S. Military, and in the journals Radical History Review and Feminist Studies. Her article “Sexual Violence and the U.S. Military: Feminism, U.S. Empire, and the Failure of Liberal Equality,” won the 2016 Claire Moses Goldberg Award.

Gender and Sexuality
War and Militarism
Feminist Theory
Critical Security Studies
American Studies

The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland
Fall 2019Feminist Approaches to War and Security
Fall 2018Gender and War
swisspeace, Civilian Peacebuilding Essentials Program, Basel, Switzerland
April 2018, April 2019Thematic Block on Gender in Conflict and Peacebuilding
University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland
Fall 2020Women and War: Gender, Race, and the Politics of Militarism
Spring 2020A Political History of Feminist Theory
Spring 2019Gender, Security and Conflict
Fall 2017Gender and Peacebuilding
New York University, New York, NY (USA)
Spring 2016Latino Studies: Sex Work
Spring 2016Latino Politics
Fall 2015Latinos and the U.S. Military
Fall 2015Latina Feminist Studies
Summer 2010, 2011Topics in Gender and Sexuality Studies: Sex Work
Fall 2010Approaches to Gender and Sexuality Studies
Spring 2010Concepts in Social and Cultural Analysis
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (USA)
Fall 2014, Fall 2015Women and War: Gender, Race and the Politics of Militarism
Fall 2013A Cultural History of the U.S. Military: World War I to the Present