Curating Difference – Different Curating?

— 04. Dezember 2023, 18:15-20:00 Uhr Kunstmuseum Basel, Hauptbau, Vortragssaal
Take a seat at a table, discuss with experts in the art world or just listen. Together we will address persisting challenges and changing notions of leadership and curation as well as therefore necessary coalitions and supportive structures. An adapted version of Lois Weaver’s format «long table» allows for in-depth discussions at four thematic tables. Every table will seat three to four moderators and provide empty chairs for interested participants. We will repeat this three times which will allow participants to visit three different tables.
The public «long table» exchange is preceded by an intense research lab (by invitation only). Invited are leading women in the Swiss art world, e.g. directors and head curators of Swiss arts museums, professional associations for visual artists and curators, freelance curators, cantonal and national cultural officers.
The event is organized by Art of Intervention in conjunction with Swiss Association for Gender Studies SAGS. It is hosted by Maja Widmer and Alice Wilke from the Kunstmuseum Basel.