Dr. Doris Leibetseder
Assistentin / PostDoc
Doris Leibetseder
Philosophisch-Historische Fakultät
Departement Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Professur Prietl

Assistentin / PostDoc

Rheinsprung 21
4051 Basel

Tel. +41 61 207 68 04

Doris Leibetseder is a Post-Doc Assistant at Center Gender Studies at the University of Basel, Switzerland, and an Elisabeth-List-Senior Fellow at the University of Graz,  after being an IAS-STS (Institute for Advanced Studies – Science Technology Studies) Fellow at the Technical University Graz (Nov. 2022-Feb. 2023), a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Vienna (Gender Studies) and being a Visiting Scholar at the ReproSoc (Reproductive Sociology) research group at the University of Cambridge, UK (Oct. 2021-Jan.2023) and a Lecturer in Gender Studies at several universities in Austria.

Their Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions fellowship (Horizon 2020, MSCA, No. 749218, 2017-2019) with the title ‘Towards an Inclusive Common European Framework for Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART): Queer and Transgender Reproduction in the Age of ART’ took place at the Centre for Gender Research, University of Uppsala, Sweden with a preceding appointment as a researcher at the same centre. Before, Leibetseder was a Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley, CSMTS (Center for Science, Technology, Medicine and Society) and formed part of the Beatrice Bain Research Group (Department for Gender and Women’s Studies) from 2013-2016. Also, from October 2014-16 Leibetseder was already an IAS-STS research fellow at the Alpen-Adria University (AAU) in Graz and Lecturer at the University of Vienna, of Graz (KFU & KUG) and AAU Klagenfurt. From 2011-13 Leibetseder was an academic assistant at the Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies at the AAU Klagenfurt. Prior to this they were a OeAD-Lecturer for two years in the German Department at Durham University, UK.

Leibetseder completed their doctorate in Philosophy with distinction at the University of Vienna in 2008 with a focus on Gender Studies (their thesis was published by transcript Verlag “Queere Tracks. Subversive Strategien in der Rock- und Popmusik”, 2010), and has a diploma in radiography (former General Hospital Linz, currently Kepler University Clinic). Their current research is on: queer and trans reproduction, assisted reproductive technologies, families and kinship; reproductive justice; ethics; bioethics; assisted reproductive technologies; queer and trans cultural studies.

Doris, L. and Bianca, P. (2025) “Kinship and the Value of Intelligible Life”, in Dynamiken digitaler Bewertung. Über Gestaltungsspielräume in Infrastrukturen – von KI bis Queering.   
Leibetseder, D. (2025) “Queer Kinship and Technologies: Challenges and Queer Erasures”, in Routledge companion to gender and reproduction.   
Leibetseder, D. and Freude, L. (2024) “Reproductive Homonationalism and In/ter/dependence in Spain and Catalonia: ‘Feminazis’ and Queer and Trans Reproduction”, Journal of International Women’s Studies [Preprint].