Dr. Dominique Grisard
Rheinsprung 21
Grisard teaches Gender Studies at the University of Basel and directs the Swiss Center for Social Research. Together with Andrea Zimmermann she curates the platform The Art of Intervention, its prolific blog, public events and collaborations with cultural institutions in Basel and beyond.
A historian by training, Grisard specializes in cultural Gender Studies with a particular interest in the visual arts’ field and consumer culture. Grisard is part of the strategic direction and research team of the project Gender and Diversity Monitoring in the Swiss Cultural Sector at the University of Bern’s IZFG. She is conducting qualitative research on leadership, programming and diversity in the arts in Switzerland. In addition, she is working on a book-length project on gender and color entitled „Pink. En/Gendering a Color.” The project weaves a history of gender, sexuality and whiteness through and around the color pink and recently expanded to include other colors of the rainbow.
Grisard is co-editing two anthologies: The Life of Beauty. Locations, Experiences, Methodologies, together with Katyayani Dalmia and Anne Kukuczka, and Burning Issues. Aktuelle und historische Perspektiven auf geschlechterpolitische Gleichstellungsfragen im deutschsprachigen Theaterbetrieb, together with Isabelle Haffter and Andrea Zimmermann (forthcoming with Seismo). As Vice-President of the Swiss Association of Gender Studies, Grisard directs the Seismo-book series “Gender Issues” and the Brigitte Schnegg-Prize. For the past 15 years, she has served as chair of the Woman, Gender and Sexuality network of the Social Science History Association.
Grisard has published widely on left wing terrorism in 1970s Europe and female political prisoners in Switzerland. In addition, she has published on the colors rose and pink in relation to floral femininity, princess girls and boys, the pink triangle, lgbt historiography and men in prisons. She has also published on sexism, the sexualization and pinkification of girl culture, and more recently on gender relations, diversity and care in visual arts institutions.
Grisard is the author of Gendering Terror (2011), a history of (counter)terrorism in 1970s Switzerland and Germany, and the editor of three anthologies: Violent Times, Rising Resistance. An Interdisciplinary Gender Perspective (2022) with Annelise Erismann & Janine Dahinden, Verschieden Sein (2013) with Ulle Jäger and Tomke König; Gender in Motion (2007) with Jana Häberlein, Anelis Kaiser and Sibylle Saxer; and Gender and Knowledge (2004) with Catherine Bosshart-Pfluger and Christina Späti.
Main areas of work
- Critical Child Studies
- Critical Femininity Studies
- Gender and Consumer Culture (Toys, Fashion, Accessories, Things, Color etc.)
- Terrorism and Security Studies
- Sexualities and Sexualization
- Cultural Gender Theories and Methods (Discourse Analysis, Narrative Theory, Visual Culture Analysis
ALLE PROJEKTEPast teaching courses
Geschichte(n) der Pubertät
Disidentifications. Queer of Color Perspektiven auf Kunst und Aktivismus
Kunstvermittlung Intersektional. Fokusführungen durch die Ausstellung ‘Circular Flow’ im Kunstmuseum Basel