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Workshop: Still 'Vexing' for Care in Neoliberal Universities

Zentrum Gender Studies April 26, 2025; 9:30 am to 17:30 pm
With a Keynote by: Prof. Dr. Luisa T. Schneider (Amsterdam)
Organised by: Anna K. Kraft (Basel) & Yamila S. Pita (Bern)
“We care deeply about the well-being of researchers who ‘ethico-politically’ (Puig de la Bellacassa 2011) engage with sensitive topics because we know how it feels. The experience of qualitative research often involves significant ‘emotional labour’ (Hochschild 1983, Rogers-Shaw et al. 2021), from engaging with research participants and processing their stories to analysing the data we collect in a way that respects and carefully reflects participants' experiences (as well as our own). This prolonged involvement can be emotionally draining, especially when compounded by the often solitary and isolating experience of fieldwork and academic writing under increasingly precarious working conditions (Nicholls et al. 2021, Schulz et al. 2023, Signoret et al. 2019). It leaves us wondering: Does anyone (really) care about us and our work?
Against the backdrop of remarkable efforts by researchers/activists to build collective care strategies while actively critiquing the neoliberal university’s inadequate responses to the need for better care (Mallon and Elliott 2021, Nicholls et al. 2021, Velardo and Elliott 2018, Ward 2015) […] [and in a]ligning with the work of researchers […] who ask: “How can we make universities more hospitable and in doing so, how might we do them otherwise” (Nicholls et al. 2021: 66f.), we invite early career researchers to join us in exploring the following topics:
- risks in research and accountability of universities;
- vulnerability in research and disrupting epistemological inequalities;
- resistance and relational/collaborative practices of care.
Keynote-based discussion & moderated sessions
Through a keynote-based discussion in the morning and two dynamically moderated sessions in the afternoon, we hereby aim to create a forum for exchange including a critical lecture of preparatory texts that we will carefully place in connection to our own research experiences and practices. There will also be room for networking and connection throughout the day.”
April 26, 2025; 9:30 a.m. to 17:30 p.m.
Center for Gender Studies, Rheinsprung 21, 4051 Basel,
Seminarraum: 00.004
Register (by end of February)
per email to: ggsb-genderstudies@clutterunibas.ch.
Further information
Please see our Call for Participation for further information