Gender Equality Measures in Academia
The literature review presents an overview of relevant policies and best practices promoting gender equality in academia and discusses the effects of the respective measures. The project evaluates and critically explores the transformative potential of different approaches and measures promoting gender equality in academia on the level of (inter-)national research funding institutions on the one hand and research institutions on the other. Questions guiding the analysis include:
- Which policies and measures are implemented by research funding institutions, universities and research clusters?
- How is their potential to promote gender equality in academia assessed by the current state of research?
- Which measures and policies have proven effective for all disciplines and levels and where are special measures required to respond to specific disciplinary orinstitutional settings?
This literature review is mandated by the Gender Equality Commission (GECo) of the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF. It provides an overview of possible and necessary measures to support women in science. The results may serve as a basis for future equality measures in the development of funding policies and instruments.
Project Team
Andrea Zimmermann (Pl)
Lea Illmer
Deborah Oliveira
SNF Gender Equality Commission (GECo)
Project Period
03/2021 – 11/2021