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Workshop: Ways to work with Reproductive Justice

30. April 2024, 9.15-12.15 Uhr Universität Basel, Rheinsprung 21, Seminarraum U4.002
In this workshop we would like to give a brief overview of the term Reproductive Justice (RJ), how it emerged, what it means and look at it especially through the lens of queer and trans reproduction. We will put this theoretical concept into practice by focusing on different time points within reproduction: conception and birth. We focus mainly on two methodological approaches to do research with RJ: (bio)ethical and sociological methods.
When dealing with queer and trans reproduction, assisted reproductive technologies quickly come into play. From an ethical perspective, questions can be asked whether all technologies available should be used. Using case studies, we will try to touch borders of our own moral understanding when it comes to reproduction.
The second focus of the workshop will be the topic of birth justice and how we could enable all to give birth under good circumstances and with all needs covered. Currently, within the RJ movement, birth justice takes center stage as more and more birthers complain about how they were treated. We will work on some interview excerpts and analyze them together what practices and experiences mean in the context of care and violence and how we could embed them theoretically.
We welcome further case studies, interviews, and other (empirical) data by the participants for discussion and analyzation.
The workshop will be held by Dr. Doris Leibetseder (Post-doc Assistant University of Basel, Center for Gender Studies) Elif Gül (Doctoral Student in Gender Studies, University of Vienna and University of Graz) and Caroline Hammer (Doctoral Student in Health, Care and Ethics, University of Graz). They are part of the Elisabeth-List fellowship program at the University of Graz on “Reproductive Justice and Queer and Trans Reproduction in Europe”. Fellowship Geschlechterforschung Uni Graz
Register by March 15th: ggsb-genderstudies@unibas.ch