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Public Lecture by Lisa Lindén

16. Mai 2023 — Universität Basel
Lisa Lindén (Chalmers, Schweden)
16. Mai 2023
18:15 – 19:45
Universität Basel
Alte Universität, Rheinsprung 9,
Seminarraum 201
4051 Basel
How to intervene in power-laden technoscientific worlds to generate more liveable and less dominant alternatives? Being a key concern for Feminist Technoscience Studies (FTS) and material-semiotics in this public lecture she elaborates on the potentials of ‘a double vision of care’ (Lindén & Lydahl 2021) to respond to this question. Lisa Lindén suggests a vision of care in STS that is both situated and critical, that stays with the practices, specificities and potentialities of care while simultaneously critically interrogating those practices when needed. Such double vision of care affords sensibilities towards the worldmaking consequences of what gets cared for, and not. It also encourages attention to how we, as feminists and social scientists, are implicated in those modes of caring and non-caring.
To elaborate on this approach to care and FTS, she draws upon my ethnographic fieldwork into gynecological cancer patient activism and HPV vaccination policy-in-practice. She discusses the implications of a double vision of care for how we relate to the actors and worlds we encounter through our research. Ultimately, she argues for an approach that pays fine-grained empirical attention to the easily neglected and devalued, in order to generate better ways of caring and relating in, and through, our research.