Peace & Security now — Reflections on New Frontiers and Challenges in Peacemaking

— 6 June 2024 - Maison de la paix, Chemin Eugène-Rigot 2, 1202 Geneva, Auditorium 2
The conference "Peace and Security Now" will be held on June 6, 2024 at the Geneva Graduate Institute. This event is organized by the Gender, War and Security Research Group led by Elizabeth Mesok at the Centre for Gender Studies and hosted by the Gender Centre at the Geneva Graduate Institute.
Now, more than ever, discussions about the peace and security sector must attend to the logics of gender and race. Driven by feminist theory and practice that insists upon critical interrogation of systems of power that uphold and perpetuate war, militarism, and violent security practices, this conference brings together academics and practitioners to discuss what is most at stake in contemporary peacemaking. From the enduring impact of the global war on terror, to the promotion of women’s inclusion in security institutions such as military and police, to the complex intersection of the humanitarian, peace, and development sectors: this conference promises a provocative look at the most pressing and urgent issues facing our world—and the possibilities for peace—today.