22 March: Infrastructures of Violence in the Bosnian-Croatian Borderscape
Discussion with Nidžara Ahmetašević & Sara Kekuš
In this virtual discussion, a closer look will be taken at different forms of infrastructural violence performed by various actors toward transit migrants on the Balkan route, as well as performances by migrants and locals in the Bosnian-Croatian borderscape against such forms of violence. This topic will be discussed by Nidžara Ahmetašević, an independent journalist and researcher in Sarajevo, and Sara Kekuš, a political scientist and activist from the Centre for Peace Studies, Zagreb. Lorenz Naegeli will kick-off the discussion with a short introduction to the current situation of refugees along the Balkan route.
The discussion is co-organised in the frame of the seminar "The Swiss Border Regime" by Jana Häberlein (Visiting Faculty, Critical Urban Studies) and Tina Bopp (PhD student in Gender Studies) and supported by the Graduate School of Social Sciences (G3S).
For further information regarding the content of this event please contact jana.haeberlein@unibas.ch. Please register for this event via tina.bopp@unibas.ch until 21st March 2021.