Ecofeminisms — 03/11/22

Virtual roundtable organised by SAGS
Thursday, 3 November 2022
4-6 pm
Virtual panel
Roundtable on Ecofeminism - critical perspectives on theory and activism
More information
Flyer with more infoirmation on the speakers
Ecofeminism is a heterogeneous field of theoretical and political practice. A realm of emancipatory praxis before being an academic set of theories, it raises distinct issues in different world areas and their entanglements. This panel with the speakers Geneviève Pruvost, Fatima Alvarez Castillo and Sophie Lewis will bring together approaches that deploy and expand ecofeminist insights as critical tools of transformative knowledge and approaches that take critical stances towards some aspects of current ecofeminist projects.
The roundtable is supported by the Swiss Association for Gender Studies (SAGS)