Decolonial Feminism. Thinking-with María Lugones

Public Lecture with PJ DiPietro and Melina Gaona
Wednesday, October 20, 2021
6 -7.30 pm
Fore more information see here: Flyer
For registration please contact until October 18, 2021
PJ DiPietro builds on the language that confronts the legacy of what María Lugones calls “colonial gender” and its imposition of human-centered metaphysics across women’s, gender, and sexuality studies. In this lecture, DiPietro introduces a three-pronged classification to differentiate between (capitalized) Gender, (lowercase) genders and (lowercase, between quotation marks) “genders.” Gender allocutions mark Man or Woman as coloniality’s primary bodily dichotomy within the domain of the human; genders allocutions mark the unattainable status of men or women for those who were formerly colonized. Finally, “genders” allocutions underscore the ongoing emergence of unassimilable embodied differences who remain neither men nor women, living betwixt and between not-quite- human and not-quite-animal.
Engaging decolonial feminism and Latin American cultural critique, Melina Gaona explores the creation of collective selves across political practices in Argentina and the ways they interpellate the historical relationship between the State and society. The archive of social organizations shows that collective projects of difference challenge the autonomous, homogeneous and univocal individual holder of rights as the main site of political action. The history of these difference-affirming projects outlives the many mechanisms of domination, harm, and injury, and the modern logics of sexuality, gender and race with which the state seeks to manage impossible subjects. This presentation focuses on the ways that ethnic, racial, sexual, and gender differences mobilize testimony and political narrative on behalf of those who are no longer here.
Bild: SUNY Press