26-27 November: SAGS Conference 2021

Women's suffrage and democracy today: critique, memory, visions
Friday, 26 November - Saturday, 27 November 2021
University of Zurich, Building KOL, Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich
Registration: Form (Entry only permitted with a valid COVID certificate)
More information: Flyer | Website
Further questions: conference@cluttergenregeschlecht.ch
With great pleasure we announce the final program of the SAGS Conference 2021 with a keynote by Andrea Maihofer on Saturday, 27 November. The occasion and backdrop of the conference in 2021 is the 50th anniversary of Swiss women’s right to vote, introduced in 1971. The conference tackles the topic of «women’s suffrage and democracy» from a democracy and gender theoretical, intersectional and postcolonial perspective with a focus on both Switzerland and the situation in other countries and contexts. First, we are interested in critical analyses of concepts of democracy, political participation, and citizenship regarding their inclusions and exclusions. A second emphasis lies on historic and current manifestations of memory cultures in relation to denied and hard-won political rights in Switzerland and worldwide. Finally, attention will be devoted to contributions focusing on envisioning gender-just societies and politics as well as conceptions of comprehensive political rights and political participation in society. We will consider submissions from all disciplines that engage with one or several key aspects of the conference theme.
Friday, 26 November, 14.00–15.30
Hoda Elsadda, Cairo, Feminist Lives: Contestation, Erasure and Dissonant Memories
Friday, 26 November, 18.30–20.00
Nanjala Nyabola, Nairobi, Kenyan Feminisms in the Digital Age
Saturday, 27 November 2021, 13.45–15.15
Andrea Maihofer, Basel, Demokratie – Aktuelle Herausforderungen (with English script)
Conference Fees:
- Students and unemployed: At their own discretion
- SAGS members: CHF 50
- Part-time earners: CHF 60
- Full-time earners: CHF 100
- Benefactors: CHF 150
=> Roundtable: Free entry
The conference is organized by The Swiss Association for Gender Studies (SAGS), which aims to promote gender studies in Switzerland and to represent its interests in Swiss higher education. Founded in 1997, SAGS also offers a forum for exchange and networking.
Image: SAGS